Power:Less is a tiny, native headless service enhancing power-saving features of BB10 devices. Fully automatic, just install and save power, and benefit from less unnecessary radiation around you.
- Automatically disable Bluetooth when entering Battery Saving Mode. Bluetooth will be automatically enabled when Battery Saving Mode is exited.
- Automatically disable Bluetooth when entering Bedside Mode. Bluetooth will be automatically enabled when Bedside Mode is exited. (This function requires Battery Saving to be enabled for Bedside Mode in its settings).
- Automatically disable Bluetooth by simply placing the phone face down. Bluetooth will be automatically enabled when you pick up the phone. (This function requires "Flip to save power" to be enabled in Settings / Advanced Interactions).
- An extra feature is to automatically enable WiFi when exiting Battery Saving Mode or Bedside Mode. (NOTE: on BB10 phones it is IMPOSSIBLE to turn WiFi OFF programatically, so it takes disabling it manually, e.g. before entering the Bedside Mode. Fortunately, it only takes one tap on the Quick Settings WiFi button and then you won't have to remember about turning WiFi back ON as Power:Less will do it for you). Sleep well without unneeded Bluetooth and WiFi radiation and power consumption.
- The headless service is very small (30 kB!) and takes virtually ZERO resources.
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